Monday, 29 July 2013

Pedestrian Safety: Stay Safe on Roads

Many a road traffic accidents involve pedestrian becoming the cause or victim of an accident. Drivers of trucks or buses often fail to look out pedestrians crossing the road and cause a collision. Motor vehicle, motorbikes and bicycles collisions with pedestrians are also common. Causes of pedestrian accidents are crossing a busy road, hit and run by a motor vehicle, jaywalking and dangerous or negligent driving. Majority victims of pedestrian accident are young children and old age people. Collision of pedestrian with motor vehicle causes very severe injuries and fatalities.   Both pedestrians and drivers can play their role to minimize the pedestrian accidents. Following are some tips to stay safe on the roads as a pedestrian.

•    Walk on walkways or foot paths. If there is no walkway then walk on the road facing the traffic.
•    Cross the roads when signal of ‘walk’ is displayed. Never try to cross when ‘Don’t walk’ signal is visible.
•    Wait for the complete stop of all the traffic then use specific crosswalks if possible otherwise try to cross the road at intersections.
•    Always follow the rule of looking left, right and again left before entering into the road or street. Guide your children also about the general rule of road crossing.
•    If you are trying to cross in front of a vehicle then must make an eye content with the other driver. It is important to pull the driver’s attention on you.
•    Try to avoid walking or crossing road at night. The majority of accidents take place at night when other driver’s fail to see any pedestrian.
•    Try to wear bright coloured clothing or use reflective materials at night to be visible to the other drivers. Flashlight use is helpful crossing road in dark.
•    Carefully walk or cross the road in weather conditions like snow, rain and fog.
•    Whenever possible try to cross the road along with other pedestrians.
•    Keep your full concentration on the traffic when crossing the road. Also keep your eyes on traffic signals to focus the green light turning red.
•    Do not write text messages when crossing the road. Also avoid using headphones for listening the calls or music. 


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